Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pegasus Maze

Most people don't know this about me, but I love making mazes. I am fairly obsessed with them. Well, very obsessed. I am working on a book-length maze project that is part art-book, part puzzle-book, fun/interesting for adults and kids, and in black and white. I am also working on rock and roll-themed mazes so that when you buy the new Murder Bros. album, you also get a little book with a few mazes. I think it could be a very cool thing for people to go home with from a show.

Anyway, here is a maze for Pegasus I drew a few years ago. I like it a lot because it's kind of psychedelic.  If you click it and get the bigger image, you can print it out and do it. I hope you have fun with it. Let me know.

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